Quality and guarantee

Ecological Cat Litters

"It is attention to quality that makes SignorGatto products stand out above all others. "

Staffed by specialized technicians, our R&D department profits from the synergies achieved between specific and complementary skills and abilities, all of them focusing on a single goal: to guarantee an excellent end product through constant and meticulous control of raw materials and production processes.

From the mines to the shelves, our products are monitored along each step of the production and distribution processes, because SignorGatto believes your cat deserves the best.

Living in a healthy environment is good for you and your cat. For this reason, all our activities at SignorGatto, from the mining, selection and processing of raw materials to environmental restoration works, are based on the principles of eco-sustainability .

Our company boasts a 100% Made-in-Italy pedigree, synonymous with excellent quality the world over. Our origins can be traced back to Sardinian bentonite mines and our first manufacturing facilities in Villaspeciosa (Sardinia) and Livorno. Over the years, we have broadened our horizons and exported our know-how, but have always retained creation and design activities in Italy.

Our ability to identify and provide what every cat needs goes hand in hand with our commitment to innovation, which translates into an incessant search for solutions that can meet every need.

For more than 30 years, we have passed down our passion from one SignorGatto to another, through products of excellent quality . Our commitment reflects our belief that your four-legged friend deserves no less than a royal treatment.